IRCTC Tatkal Booking Timing, Charges: Today we are going to tell you some tips and tricks, by which you can book your Tatkal ticket (Confirm Tatkal Train Ticket) much faster than others.
IRCTC Confirm Tatkal Ticket: Railways are called the lifeline of India. Every day it takes crores of people to their destination. If you too have ever traveled by railways, then to get a confirmed ticket, you must have booked the ticket one or two months in advance. Because the number of passengers traveling by railways is more and the number of seats is less. Therefore, if you ever have to travel by railway in an emergency, then it is very rare that a seat is available in the train. During festivals, the number of passengers traveling by it increases manifold.
On such occasions, IRCTC’s Tatkal Ticket Booking feature is very useful to help you. Through Tatkal booking, passengers can get a confirmed seat even by booking tickets a day in advance. However, booking Tatkal tickets is not an easy task. Its seats are less and the demand is more.
That is why today we are going to tell you some such tips and tricks, so that you can book your Tatkal ticket (Confirm Tatkal Train Ticket) much faster than other people.
These tips will come in handy for Tatkal booking
Be flexible with dates
If there is no emergency, then try to be flexible with your travel dates. Because the chances of getting a confirmed ticket increase if you book tickets on weekdays as compared to weekends. Because most people prefer to travel on weekends to use their holidays.
Use multiple devices for booking
Try multiple ways to book confirmed Tatkal tickets, which will increase the chances of getting a confirmed ticket. For example, book tickets on different browsers or computers at the same time with different login credentials. By doing this, the chances of booking a confirmed ticket from at least one account increase.
Keep passenger details ready
While booking Tatkal tickets, keep all the details of the travelers like name, age etc. written down in advance.
Pay attention to payment options
The sooner you try to book Tatkal tickets, the higher are the chances of getting a confirmed ticket. So remember that while booking Tatkal tickets from IRCTC, you have to be most careful during the payment process. To make fast payments, use mobile wallet, net banking and UPI method during Tatkal booking. This will save time and increase the chances of getting a ticket. If you want, you can also use IRCTC Wallet to make payments.
Help of booking agent
If you feel that you will not be able to book Tatkal ticket by yourself, then you can take the help of booking agent.
Login on time
Let us tell you that Tatkal ticket booking for AC coach starts at 10 am, so login before that by 9:58 am. On the other hand, Tatkal ticket booking for sleeper class starts at 11 am, so login by 10:58 am. That is, you have to try to login 2-3 minutes before the booking starts.
Check internet connection
You get very little time for Tatkal booking, so it is very important to have a high-speed internet connection in it. Try to login from a place where there is high-speed internet facility to book Tatkal ticket.