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UPSC Recruitment 2021: UPSC has taken out vacancies on various posts, know how you can apply, what is the qualification


UPSC recruitment 2021: UPSC has invited job vacancies for various posts. Know how you can apply for this.

UPSC recruitment 2021: Union Public Service Commission has invited applications for various jobs in teaching and non-teaching posts. Interested candidates can apply for this by November 11, 2021 on the official website of UPSC. UPSC has invited applications for 64 jobs on various posts.

UPSC has invited Online Recruitment Application (ORA) for the posts of Assistant Professor, Assistant Defense Estate Officer, Senior Scientific Officer, Assistant Director and Medicare Officer on the official website upsc.gov.in.

Recruitment is out on these posts

According to the UPSC notification, there are 1 vacancies for Assistant Professor post, 6 for Assistant Defense Estate Officer post, 16 for Senior Scientific Officer post, 33 for Assistant Director post and 8 for Medicare Officer post.

Till when can apply

UPSC told that the candidates have till 11 November 2021 to apply for these various posts. For more details, candidates can visit the official website of UPSC or this link .

What is qualification

Assistant Professor-Mechatronics – First Class Master’s Degree in Mechatronics.
Assistant Defense Estate
Officer – Engineering (Civil) Degree from a recognized University Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Sr Scientific Officer) – Degree in Engineering in any recognized University and Two years experience
Assistant Director – A recognized Master’s degree in University and three years of work experience

Age Range

The age limit of 38 years is prescribed for the posts of Assistant Professor and Medical Officer. The age limit for Assistant Defense Estate Officer post is 30 years. The age limit is 35 years to 38 years for Senior Scientific Officer post and 35 years and 30 years for Assistant Director post.

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