UPSSSC has announced the dates of the paper for Assistant Accountant and Auditor Recruitment 2024. Read the complete schedule of the paper here. Also read from where you can download the notification.
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has announced the exam dates for Assistant Accountant and Auditor Recruitment 2024. If you have also applied for UPSSSC Assistant Accountant and Auditor Recruitment 2024, then you can visit the official website and see the related notice.
Admit card can be downloaded from here
Information about the release of admit card for the candidates will be given on the authorized website After the admit card is released, candidates can follow some important steps. To download the admit card, first go to the authorized website
After this, click on the required link related to the admit card. Candidates will get the option to download the admit card after filling the registration number, date of birth, gender and verification code. The admit card will open on the screen, which the candidates can download.
This is the paper pattern
The exam will have objective and multiple choice questions, which will be around 100 in number. Candidates will be given 2 hours to solve the question paper. There is also a provision of minus marking in the exam, that is, 1/4 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Recruitment is being done for so many posts
A total of 1828 vacant posts will be filled by Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) for Assistant Accountant and Auditor Recruitment 2024. These posts include 668 posts of Assistant Accountant (General), 950 posts of Assistant Accountant (Special), 1 post of Assistant Accountant and 202 posts of Auditor. Candidates applying for these posts will have to fulfill the prescribed educational qualification and other standards.
The posts of Assistant Accountant (General) and Assistant Accountant (Special) may require different educational qualifications and experience, while the post of Auditor will also require special qualifications. Candidates must fulfill these standards in their application and only eligible candidates can participate in the selection process.
All important information related to this recruitment process will be available to the candidates on the official website. Interested candidates are advised to read all the guidelines and eligibility criteria carefully before applying. For more information, candidates can visit the website and see the detailed notice.