Delhi to Vaishno Devi Trains: A large number of devotees go to Katra from Delhi every day to have darshan of Mata Vaishno Devi. Keeping this in view, we tell you about the best train going from Delhi to Katra to go there.
Vaishno Devi Trains: A large number of devotees go to Katra from Delhi every day to have darshan of Mata Vaishno Devi. Keeping this in view, we tell you about the best train going from Delhi to Katra to go there.
Jhelum Express is the cheapest train from New Delhi to Jammu. It takes approximately 12 hours 10 minutes to reach Jammu by this train. Train no. 11077 JHELUM EXPRESS departs from New Delhi at 9:35 pm and reaches Jammu at 9:45 am. The ticket price of JHELUM EXPRESS is Rs 185. This train runs daily.
The train Jammu Mail runs from Old Delhi Junction to Mata Vaishno Devi Katra 7 days a week. This train takes you from Delhi to Katra in about 13 hours. Its ticket is only Rs 335.
Vande Bharat Express is the fastest train running between New Delhi and Jammu. Katra can be reached from Delhi in about 6 hours. This train departs from New Delhi at 6 am and reaches Jammu at 12:43 am on the same day. This train runs 6 days a week except Wednesday.
The last train from New Delhi to Jammu is Malwa Express. With this you can reach Jammu in about 10 hours. The last train leaves New Delhi at 4:30 am and reaches Jammu at 2:35 pm. This train runs seven days a week.