A new video of Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and well-known actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu of South Film Industry is going viral on social media. In this video, Samantha is seen surrounded by media photographers. Varun Dhawan is saying to the photographers in a fun-filled manner, ‘Hey you guys don’t scare the poor…’ This video of Varun Dhawan and Samantha surfaced is going viral on social media. After watching this video some people are pulling Varun Dhawan’s leg. So at the same time some people are speculating that Varun-Samantha may soon be seen together in a big film.
People are giving this reaction
After watching the videos of Varun and Samantha, people are giving funny reactions. One user has written, ‘Varun Bhai your answer is no…real gentleman.’ Another user has commented, ‘First Rashmika…now Samantha? Varun, are you going to do South Industry films?’ Another similar comment has surfaced, ‘Looks like preparations are being made to go to the South’.
Samantha has been trolled recently
This week Samantha Ruth Prabhu had come to participate in an award show. During this, he wore such a dress that people pulled his leg a lot. After seeing Samantha’s dress, a person even wrote that she has come to take the award by wrapping the sheet in a hurry? Let us tell you that Samantha wore a black and dark green color gown in the award show. The design on the back side of the gown was such that people have started ridiculing her.