The pre-wedding outfit of Natasha Dalal, wife of Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan, was priced at just Rs 6300. Let’s know about this.
Most of us are inspired by our favorite celebrities and their fashion choices. Sometimes we also save pictures of celebs in their phones to recreate their look. This happens most often in B-town weddings, because during that time we get to see many creative ideas of celebs in terms of clothes. And when fashion designers get married themselves, their outfits are bound to get noticed. The wedding of Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and fashion designer and his wife Natasha Dalal (Natasha Dalal) was also seen. During this period, Natasha wore everything from her pre-wedding to the wedding in white.
When Varun-Natasha’s wedding festivities started, the bride-to-be was spotted going to the wedding venue outside her house. Natasha was seen going to Alibaug with her family to marry Varun. During this time, he wore a white jumpsuit and despite applying the mask, the bridal glow on his face was seen well. (Also read: Mohina Kumari Singh shared photos on Bhai Divyaraj’s marriage anniversary, wrote cute messages )
Wearing a casual jump suit, Natasha was also looking best in a simple look while going to the wedding destination. Her comfortable and stylish white stripped jumpsuit was enhancing Natasha’s look in a different way. Natasha wore this jump suit of a fashion brand ‘forever new’. A cut can also be seen at the waist line along the Sweetheart neckline in this attire. In addition, there are hoops for the belt. Natasha carried a sling bag to style her outfit and left her hair uncovered. Along with this, the mascara and light makeup in his eyes was complementing Natasha’s look. Also, the jump suit that Natasha carried was priced at just Rs 6,300.
Earlier, Natasha’s makeup artist Namrata Soni also shared a video capturing the bride’s outfit and bridal look perfectly. In this, the bride looks like an angel wearing heavy lehenga, diamond jewelery, white bangles in her hands and white flowers in her hair. Also, the serenity seen on his face is enough to tell how comfortable he is in becoming Varun’s bride and this marriage is just a formality for the couple in the depth of this relationship.