Weather Updates: There is a possibility of rain not only in Uttar Pradesh but also in hilly areas by January 18. Apart from this, the restrictions imposed under Grap-3 have also been removed on January 17 after the pollution in the capital decreased.
18 January Weather Updates: While the entire North India is facing the havoc of cold, the hilly states of Kashmir, Himachal and Uttarakhand are also facing snowfall. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted for North India that the temperature may drop by 2 degrees Celsius in the coming days. According to IMD, fog is expected to disappear from the morning of 20 January, as the clouds will move towards the east. Apart from this, there is a possibility of rain and snowfall in hilly areas like Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand around 21-22 January.
Weather of Delhi NCR
Talking about Delhi NCR, the Meteorological Department has predicted light rain and thunderstorms on 22 and 23 January. An IMD scientist said that due to the arrival of a new Western Disturbance in North India, the temperature may drop by 1 to 2 degrees Celsius. However, the weather is expected to be clear in Delhi NCR on Saturday. However, Delhi NCR residents may have to face fog and mist again in the evening.
GRAP-3 ends in Delhi
Apart from this, talking about the pollution in the capital, the restrictions imposed under GRAP-3 have been lifted after the pollution level decreased. Earlier this week, pollution in the area increased due to slow winds, low temperatures and fog, after which the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) imposed strict restrictions under the third and fourth phases of the Gradual Response Action Plan (GRAP). The commission on Thursday lifted restrictions under Grape-4 amid a drop in pollution levels after rain in the area. On Friday, due to strong winds, the pollution level decreased further, after which the third phase of restrictions have also been withdrawn.
Weather of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
Talking about Uttar Pradesh, the weather is expected to remain dry here for the next few days. On the other hand, the Meteorological Department has issued an orange alert regarding dense fog in 20 districts of Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, a yellow alert has been issued regarding fog in 43 districts. Talking about rain, light rain can be seen at some places in UP between 20 and 24 January. Apart from this, if we talk about Bihar, fog is likely to prevail in most of the districts on Saturday and Sunday.