WhatsApp Useful Feature: WhatsApp has become one of the most used instant messaging platforms. Most people use it to talk to their friends and family. It is also very easy to use. People only need an internet connection to use it. The company also keeps bringing new features from time to time for the convenience of the users, which are very useful for them. Today we are going to tell you about one such feature of WhatsApp, which helps you.
Whatsapp features: There are many features available on WhatsApp which are made for the convenience of the users. But, people are not aware of most of these features. Therefore, they are not able to take advantage of them.
Chatting: People use WhatsApp for chatting. People chat for hours, so many messages get collected in the chat. In such a situation, if a user has to find an important message, it becomes difficult for him.
Message Pin: But, if you want, you can avoid this problem. For this, there is a feature of pinning messages on WhatsApp. This is a very useful feature. With this, you can pin important messages.
On the top: Pinning a message means that the message will appear at the top of the chat list. This will save you from having to search for that message. You can pin up to three messages.
How to pin: To pin a message, first go to the chat and select the message you want to pin. Then click on the three dots in the upper right corner. Here you will find the Pin option. Click on it.