BJP President JP Nadda took part in the farmer protection campaign in Malda and said that the people of Bengal have made up their mind to say hello Tata to Mamata Banerjee in the upcoming election. JP Nadda said that what Mamata Banerjee did by keeping farmers away from the Samman Nidhi was an injustice.
JP Nadda attacks Mamta government
A large number of people attended this one-kilometer road show of JP Nadda. Nadda, who reached Malda in West Bengal, said that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee did not allow PM Kisan Samman Yojana to be implemented in the state due to her arrogance. Nadda further said that the TMC has institutionalized corruption here, politicized the administration and used it to promote criminal activity along with the police.
Chief Minister of Bengal a woman .. Still
During the rally, JP Nadda said that the most atrocities with women are happening in Bengal today. Most cases of rape are happening in Bengal, domestic violence is happening in Bengal. The Chief Minister of Bengal is a woman, yet if women are not respected, Bengal needs change.
বাংলার জনতা পিসি-ভাইপোকে টাটা করতে প্রস্তুত : শ্রী @JPNadda জী #PoribortonYatra
— BJP Bengal (@BJP4Bengal) February 6, 2021
Why does Mamta lose her heart after hearing Jai Shriram
Nadda said that he does not understand why Mamta Banerjee loses her temper after hearing the slogan of Jai Shri Ram. Is it wrong to associate with the culture of India?
The BJP president said that what Mamata Banerjee did by keeping farmers away from the Samman Nidhi was an injustice. He did not allow the welfare schemes of the Center to be implemented in the state to satisfy his importance.
The benefits of Ayushman Bharat scheme were not given
Addressing the rails, Nadda said that through the Parivartan Yatra, tell the public about the Ayushman plan of the Modi government that Modi ji had worried about his health, but Mamta remained standing in the middle.
BJP will protect Bengali culture
JP Nadda said that Mamta ji cannot handle the culture of Bengal, BJP workers will protect it. The way Mamta puts an adjective in front of my name, it tells that you have disrespected the culture of Bengal.
Khichdi and vegetable banquet in Sahapur village
Earlier, the BJP president also enjoyed khichdi and vegetables along with farmers in Malda at the end of the farmer security cum banquet. During this, many big leaders of Bengal BJP were present. After having a meal from here, Nadda attended a road show. Then he addressed a rally.
Nadda’s roadshow amid slogans of Jai Shri Ram
BJP president JP Nadda also attended a road show in Malda. Nadda was welcomed by a large crowd amid the chanting of Jai Shri Ram’s slogan. JP Nadda was present on a truck by West Bengal BJP President Dilip Ghosh. A large number of people participated in this one-kilometer road show.